Port of Ephrata

The Port currently has space to accommodate jet, turbo-prop, large piston or radial engine aircraft.

Building 405 is 30,000 sq ft (36’ vertical height, 157’ door width) that includes a pilot lounge, restroom/shower area, lockers for personal items and equipment, and by the end of 2024, a fully refurbished office facility. Line crew service is available seven days a week (7:00am – 3:30pm). Special accommodations re: service times will be considered.

Building 734 is 45,000 sq ft (36’ vertical height, 157’ door width) that includes a large office facility, pilot lounge, restrooms/showers (M & F), lockers for personnel items and equipment. This hangar will become available July 2026.

Building 326 is a T-Hangar facility with ten (10) individual bays. The door width is 40’ with a depth of 50”, ideal for small private aircraft. Currently, there is no vacancy but usually there is some turn-over throughout the year.

If you would like to be placed on a “waiting list” for any of the above hangars or have any questions, fill out the form below to submit an inquiry or call the Port Director (509) 750-8623.

Building 405

Building 326

Building 734

Hangar Leasing Request Form