Port of Ephrata

*The Next Regular Scheduled Commission Meeting is Monday, Mar. 17th at 4:00pm*

The Port of Ephrata Board of Commissioners meet in public session at 4:00pm every 1st & 3rd Monday of the month (Tuesday if the Monday is a holiday) (any changes to the date or time will be posted on the Port website, Facebook page and on the information sign at the Terminal entrance). Meeting materials are distributed to the commissioners 72 hours prior to a scheduled meeting to allow for sufficient review. As such, If you are interested in getting on the agenda, please contact the Port Staff by NLT 12:00pm the Thursday prior to a scheduled meeting. Every meeting allows for open public comment for those that attend. You may click on the links below for meeting agendas and minutes that have been approved. All tenants and interested parties are encouraged to attend these meetings.